JoAnna came over and played for a while this week, and the 3 girls had so much fun, they played in the sand box, they played dress up, they had tea partys, they went for a ride in the wagon, they road bikes, and played with sidewalk chalk.
So this past week we tryed out Grady in the saucer... can ya tell he likes it!
He did pretty good in it for a short amount of time.
I can't believe how time flys, it seems like I just had him and hes already getting big enuf to sit in the saucer, CRAZY!!!
Zac has been playing camp fire baseball, but this week he started the pinto leage, his team is the Cubs. They look so cute in the matching uniforms.
His last game was Thursday night and Miss Miley did not want to take off her tutu, or her boots to go to his ball game, and I've learned to pick my battles, so she looks like one
AND HANNAH JO... well she's been keeping me on my toes, I decided to get 15 minutes of excersize in and Hannah suprized me with the peanut butter (i'm just glad it wasn't poop). while putting in a load of laundry, she found the merkers!!! (luckely they were washable). She also managed to dump a FULL can of Gradys formula all over the carpet and spreat it around... is someone feeling a little attention deprived? (I swear I do watch my kids!)
I wanted to give her something she could make a mess with, that I was o.k. with...
What a fun-filled week:)