I think this picture is so funny,
Grady's getting knocked over and smashed and
his sis' are going crazy over his gift!
That's just a little peak into everyday of Grays life...
poor kid. (or pretty lucky!?!)
poor kid. (or pretty lucky!?!)
so we went with pie.
GrAdY LiKe!!!

He is such a mellow happy little guy.
You can't help but fall in love with Grady the second you meet him.
He has SO much love for his big sis' and big bro.
Gray lights up when any of them are around.
Grady started to clap just about a week ago and it's so dang cute.
He's starting to talk a ton and he cracks himself up.
Gray has been teething like a mad man and now has 14 teeth, working on 2 more.
He COULD walk if he wanted to, but he's a chicken.
So he just cruises along furniture and walls.
We are so blessed to have such a sweet little spirit in our home.
We LoVe YoU BaBy GrAy