Thursday, January 29, 2009

I've been BUG taged, List 10 things that BUG you!
10 ThInGs ThAt BuG Me!
1. When I wake up with 3-4 kids in my bed.
2. When I mop the kitchen floor and 1/2 second later juice gets spilled all over it.
3.The fact that My sister live so far away.
4. My Church starting at 1:30!
5. When I'm SO dang tired and I can't fall asleep.
6. That Mark just has to put his head on his pillow and he's OUT.
7. When I "finish" the laundry and the next day I start all over.
8. That I'm not on some tropical island somewhere!
9. That my kids are growing up so fast.
10. When there's no paper towel in a public restroom.
10 people I "bug" tag:
1. Julie W.
2. Lori P.
3. Jen D.
4. Jody F.
5. Shari B.
6. Jamie R.
7. Wendy B.
8. Lacey B.
9. Tina T.
10. Aubrey Z.


Cindy said...

That is way cute!

Lacey and Jeremy Briscoe said...

cute tag. We are so much alike!

Anonymous said...

I'm bugged that your sister lives so far away also. have a great day!

Harris said...

That is fun! Thanks for doing it. It is so hard to narrow it down to 10 things. I am the one that falls asleep the instant I hit the pillow!! Ditto on the laundry. I HATE laundry! Cute birthday boy! I cannot believe he has that many teeth. Gray still only has 2!!