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cOuLd LiFe GeT MuCh bEtTeR ThAn tHiS!?!
Our finished toes!
My girls giving me a mini pedicure.
Hannah helping Miley finish, I guess Miley was getting tired :-)
So cute
(this last one should have been at the top)This is them doing
the "prep" work
eww, ouch, eww, oww
So cute! Following in Aunt Trishas foot steps! Tell them I would like schdule one for next time I visit!
Hi Jana! love these pics. Looks like your girls did a great job! Love you toes. I miss you guys tons! How have you all been? ARe you ready for Halloween? What are your kidos gona be? ARe you sewing their costumes? Please give all your kids a hug from me. Love you Guys!
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