Friday, May 9, 2008

How can ya not just love
cHuBbY sLeEpInG BaBiEs!

Mark was watching the game and I was e-mailin' a friend, before I knew it papa & Gray were both sound asleep, Gray looked so stinkin' cute all scrunched up.

I guess Mark was tired from work and Grady was tired from PLAYIN'


Lacey and Jeremy Briscoe said...

He looks like a tiny little baby all scrunched up on mark like that. So cute. I had to laugh at the pic in the saucer because I totally see what you mean about him looking like Nelson, but not only does he look like him, but that saucer is my same saucer and Nelson is always sitting in it just like that sucking on his fists.

Anonymous said...

Jana he is the cutest baby. I can't wait to meet him. In the saucer he looks big, all scrunched up he looks like a newborn. You could just kiss those little cheeks soooo cute.
Love Hannahs pictures she may be mischivious (sp) but she can't get into much trouble her little face is to darling!

Briscoe's said...

That is the sweetest picture. He seriously so stinking cute.

CorLesMarBoPiKo said...

I love the chub.

Brittney said...

That is my favorite! I love when babies fall asleep with their dads! So cute!

We are all "SPECIAL" said...

hey my blog went me your email address and I will add you to my list...

A said...


I don't know if you remember me, (Angela Sudweeks), anyway, saw your blog, thought it was way cute, and wanted to say Hi. Your kids are sooo cute! I can't believe you have so many.