Monday, October 20, 2008

OuR EnTeRtAiNmEnT!!

sO gRaY fOuNd a wAy tO GeT aRoUnD tHaT wE tHiNk Is DaNg FuNnY!
GrAy LoVeS dOiNg OnLy HaLf ThE wOrK!!!

ThIs Is GrAyS CuTe TeEtH!

He GoT # 5 & 6 iN ThIs WeEk EnD


Jody and Billy said...

that is tooo cute! i love him

Shari Baker said...

That's hilarious the way that he's getting around. I think that's how I should have done it. The least possible effort to accomplish the task. I never even crawled. I scooted everywhere on my rear end. How cute!

Jon Woodins said...

That is SOO Funny! I was laughing my head off while I was watching. And yes you need to come see my new place. Just throw the kids in the car and come when ever it is convinient.

Anonymous said...

Grady is so stinkin cute. i cant believe he has 6 teeth allready.I miss you so much.

Snell Familia said...

Cute kids!!! It was good to hear from you a few weeks ago! Keep in touch!
Lindsay Snell

Harris said...

I love the video clip! That is seriously so funny! Cute kids. We were at the parade too! Too bad we didn't see you!

Anonymous said...

He is so so cute. I love his little teeth. I can't believe he has so many. The video is so cute. I love all the new little things they are learning to do. It makes you stay alert so they staY OUT OF DANGER THATS FOR SURE. Misss you and love ya all